Monday, December 2, 2013

Graduate Debt Free - Part 2

So, you want to graduate debt free? Well, it's going to take a lot of discipline and giving up some wants. It's certainly going to require you to live like a poor college student and "act your wage"! Here is a small list of "don'ts" if you want to graduate debt free:

1) Don't think you can get to be one of those college kids that gets to "only focus on school". YOU are going to have to work! Whether that be in the form of a part-time job, on or off campus, or in the form of constantly applying for scholarships and grants, you're going to have to work!

2) Don't get caught up in the status quo. I have seen so many college age kids that think they deserve to, and should, drive the same cars their parents do in their 40's and 50's. Good things come to those who wait. It's okay to live, and look, and drive like a poor college student, because that's what you are!

3) Don't forget to budget! As my wife and I were going through college, most months we were spending more than we made for the month and so it was discouraging to budget. I know the feeling, but it's important and you need to do it, every month "on paper, on purpose before the month begins." (Dave Ramsey)

I would recommend as a great and free budgeting tool. My wife and I weren't consistent at budgeting until we used

4) Don't be greedy. Even though you are trying to pinch every penny and make sure you have enough to get through the next semester we can't forget that all we have comes from God. We need to look for ways to give even when we don't have much. If you are a Bible believing Christian then paying tithing on your income will hopefully be a priority throughout your life. We can also make sure we find ways to give our time and talents to good causes and to those around us everyday. Although you are living like a poor college student, don't forget how blessed you are to be going to college in the first place and that you are living a lot better than most of the world. Be grateful and count your many blessings.